Apply to ONCAMPUS today

Apply Online

This form is only for prospective students & parents/guardians. If you are an educational agent, please use the Partner Portal to complete the application on behalf of your student

  • Centre
  • Course
  • Personal Details
  • Terms + Upload

Online application form

Completing this application should take only a few minutes. It consists of four steps:

  1. Centre selection
  2. Course selection
  3. Personal details
  4. Uploads & Terms (you may want to prepare the following documents to support your application: English Certificate, Academic Reports, Passport Copy; etc.)

* To which Academic Centre would you like to apply?



All fields marked with an * are mandatory and must be completed before moving to the next page.

Need Help?

Talk to our Education Advisor +44 (0)1223 346186

Please note that full scholarships are not available

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